
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Closing Keynote & Plenary: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, The Nature Conservancy's Chief Scientist and Atmospheric Scientist and Professor, Texas Tech University, shares her takeaways from COP26 and reviews her latest book, "Saving Us."
In SAVING US: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World Dr. Hayhoe draws upon interdisciplinary research and personal stories to demonstrate that whether you’re a parent or a person of faith, a beachgoer or a sports fan, a foodie or a travel junkie, climate change affects someone or something you care about, which means you already have power to act for change. While other books in this space offer doomsday scenarios, Hayhoe ‘s approach is optimistic and inclusive. She argues that climate action isn’t about being a certain type of person or voting a certain way. It’s about connecting with our communities based on the values we already have, to inspire collective action.
Order your copy of the book here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Saving-Us/Katharine-Hayhoe/9781982143831
Dr. Hayhoe's TIME Essay: https://time.com/6089999/climate-change-hope/
Global Weirding on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi6RkdaEqgRVKi3AzidF4ow
Hear about CCL’s vision forward and how we’ll get there.
w/ Mark Reynolds CCL Executive Director and Madeleine Para CCL President
Share your ideas for CCL's future focus: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdR7E9kfAcvF_3uNzaxmqzoNeuElWjTv9JcPOgnSofv_t9Huw/viewform
#SavingUs #KatharineHayhoe #Climate #ClimateSolutions

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Exploring Effective Climate Solutions: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Panelists from Climate Interactive, Yale Program on Climate Change Communications, and Project Drawdown Georgia, will each discuss their work which focuses on analyzing, communicating, and implementing various climate solutions. What solutions are most impactful? How can grassroots groups like CCL incorporate these solutions into our advocacy? Panel moderated by Tony Sirna, CCL Strategy Director.
Dr. Marilyn A. Brown
Regents and Brook Byers Professor of Sustainable Systems
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ellie Johnston
Climate & Energy Lead
Climate Interactive
Jennifer Marlon, PhD
Research Scientist and Lecturer
Yale School of the Environment and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC)
Tony Sirna
Strategy Director
Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Welcome & Introduction: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Mark Reynolds Executive Director of Citizens’ Climate Lobby welcomes all conference attendees and provides an overview of the day ahead. Join CCL: https://cclusa.org/join

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Climate Advocate Training Workshop: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Join CCL Education & Engagement Director Brett Cease and Southeast Regional Coordinator Solemi Hernandez for a workshop that will help newer volunteers (and seasoned volunteers who want a refresher) understand CCL’s method and vision and inspire you to find your role so you can hit the ground running. You’ll even have a chance to participate in a mock lobby meeting so you are well prepared for our Nov. 15-18 Virtual Lobby Week (if you are participating). In this interactive workshop you will: Learn the basics of becoming an effective climate advocate through review of the CCL’s structure, mission, purpose and methodology of creating political will, Practice how to appeal to the best in others and build common ground, Review the details of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, Learn how to build constructive relationships with elected representatives and practice our lobbying methods.
CCL Community New Volunteer Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/new-volunteer

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
CCL’s Legislative Strategy & Lobby Day Prep: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Dr. Danny Richter Citizens’ Climate Lobby Vice President of Government Affairs
More Lobby Training For CCL's November 2021 Lobby Days:

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Five Steps to Address Carbon Pricing Criticism: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
As carbon fee and dividend becomes more central to the national climate policy discussion, you may see more people or organizations criticizing it. Attend this session to learn 5 steps you can take to address these critiques effectively.
Responding to Negative Press: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/491
Handling Challenging Questions about Carbon Pricing: https://community.citizensclimate.org/handling-challenging-questions
Handling Opposition During Reconciliation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19e2o3FZo2HPj8zJKD0A-z8tpf3R0W6jH0MahBEKiG1s/edit

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
A Closer Look at the En-ROADS Simulation Model: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
En-ROADS is a transparent, policy simulation model that gives people the chance to experiment with different scenarios that limit future global warming. Ellie Johnston, Climate Interactive’s Climate and Energy Lead, will demonstrate this model and share how you can use it in your advocacy. https://www.climateinteractive.org/tools/en-roads/

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Exploring The CCL Community Website: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Join Brett Cease, CCL Education & Engagement Director for a tour of CCL Community. Brett will review where you can find resources, training, events and how to log your CCL Actions. Tune in to hear exciting updates for training tracking and our badge system!
Start Exploring CCL Community: https://community.citizensclimate.org/help

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Join CCL’s research and legislative affairs teams to review the budget reconciliation package, what’s in there and what’s not? What does that mean for CCL’s advocacy going forward? Come with your questions!
Reconciliation Actions Training Topic Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/topics/reconciliation-actions
Questions? Ask in the CCL Community Forums: https://cclusa.org/forums

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Update From COP26: #CCL2021 November Conference
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
As negotiations wrap up in Glasgow, hear from Joe Robertson, Citizens’ Climate International Executive Director, and Solemi Hernandez, CCL Southeast Regional Coordinator, for the latest on what happened at COP26 – what are the preliminary results and what does that mean for U.S. domestic and foreign climate policy?
CCI COP 26 Resources:
CCI Website - https://www.CitizensClimate.earth
Newsletter - https://www.CitizensClimateIntl.news
Photos - https://ctzn.earth/cop26-album