
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Dr. Natasha DeJarnett is a research coordinator at the National Environmental Health Association. Her specialty areas include climate change and environmental exposures. Dr. DeJarnett received her PhD in Public Health from the University of Louisville in 2013. As a postdoc at the University, she was awarded a fellowship by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to investigate cardiovascular risks of air pollution exposures. She also serves on the board of Citizens’ Climate Education.
Helpful Links:
CCL June National Conference: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/2019-conference/
National Environmental Health Association: https://www.neha.org/
Call Congress Toolkit: https://community.citizensclimate.org/tools/call-congress-about-the-energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act#/54/
National Ski Area Association and Protect Our Winters Endorse HR 763: https://docs.google.com/document/d/131eS01ozYgXh2l2zL83TFbfxWzw-y5-JXBwf-1r8QcM/edit

Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Amanda Ripley | Citizens' Climate Lobby | January 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Joining our January 2019 is Amanda Ripley, a reporter who practices “solutions journalism” that digs below oversimplified narratives to get to the deeper truths about people and society. In the process, she has come across a way to address conflict that results in a more satisfying outcome: Complicate the narrative.
As we engage in the difficult conversations needed to arrive at solutions to preserve a livable world, Amanda offers the tools to disrupt the intractable conflict that impedes our progress. Amanda has written for The Atlantic, Time magazine, Slate and the Wall Street Journal and is the author of The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way.
Mark introduces Amanda: 3:14
Amanda's presentation: 8:34
Q&A from audience: 18:15
January monthly actions: 29:57
Helpful Links:
You can download this month's CCL Action Sheet at http://www.cclusa.org/actionsheet
CCL’s Bill: Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act/
Learn More About the Energy Innovation Act on CCL Community: https://community.citizensclimate.org/topics/energy-innovation-act
Solutions Journalism Network: https://www.solutionsjournalism.org/

Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Per Espen Stoknes | Citizens' Climate Lobby | December 2018 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
On CCL's December call, Executive Director Mark Reynolds reviews all of the significant actions that CCL groups across the country have done since the historic Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act was introduced.
We are also joined by Per Espen Stoknes, a Norwegian psychologist and politician for the Green Party who served as a deputy representative to the Parliament of Norway.
He weaves together psychology and economics in imaginative ways, often revolving around our human relationships to the natural world and to each other. He is the author of the book, What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming. Stoknes posits that people have five inner defenses that stop people from engaging on climate change, and he offers ways to "flip" those defenses.
Helpful links:
You can download this month's CCL Action Sheet at http://www.cclusa.org/actionsheet
CCL’s Bill: Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act/
Learn More About the Energy Innovation Act on CCL Community: https://community.citizensclimate.org/topics/energy-innovation-act
Per Espen Stoknes TED Talk: https://youtu.be/F5h6ynoq8uM

Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Even if Democrats take the House in November, legislation to price carbon will need to be bipartisan, and that leads us to this month’s conversation with former Rep. David Jolly (R-FL). Before giving up his House seat to run for Senate, Jolly was an early member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and a cosponsor of the Republican climate resolution introduced by former Rep. Chris Gibson. Speaking in 2016, Jolly said, “I’m sick and tired of going nowhere in addressing large problems and I’d like to see our party accept the science and say we believe in conservative solutions.”
Helpful links:
You can download this month's CCL Action Sheet at http://www.cclusa.org/actionsheet
David Jolly: https://davidjolly.com/
Congressional Education Day 2018: https://www.facebook.com/events/omni-shoreham-hotel/congressional-education-day/2078534025513954/
Call Congress Toolkit: https://community.citizensclimate.org/tools/call-congress/#/6/
“Stopping Climate Change is Hopeless. Let’s Do It.”: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/06/opinion/sunday/climate-change-global-warming.html

Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
As we strive to bridge the partisan divide on climate change, researchers are finding that the views of Republicans and Democrats are not as far apart as we perceive. The problem is that people tend to listen almost exclusively to their tribal leaders. Leaf Van Boven and David Sherman elaborated on this phenomenon in a recent New York Times op-ed. Van Boven is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Sherman is a professor of psychology and brain sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Their valuable insights on this month’s call can inform and improve our approach in generating the political will to enact climate solutions.

Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Aimee Sison | Citizens' Climate Lobby | August 2018 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
How do we leverage our messaging on social media? Aimee Sison, Digital Director with Climate Nexus, works to further the climate change and clean energy narrative across digital and social media platforms. She also works with partners to amplify messages in new, creative ways to online audiences.
Originally from the Philippines, Aimee’s passion for climate change is fueled by seeing her homeland suffer the negative impacts of global warming.

Saturday Jul 14, 2018
Adele Morris | Citizens' Climate Lobby | July 2018 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Jul 14, 2018
Saturday Jul 14, 2018
If you want to learn about carbon pricing, Adele Morris is the person to talk to. She is a senior fellow and policy director for Climate and Energy Economics at the Brookings Institution. Her research informs critical decisions related to climate change, energy, and tax policy. She is a leading global expert on the design of carbon pricing policies. Before joining Brookings in July 2008, she worked with the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) of the U.S. Congress, where she advised members and staff on economic, energy, and environmental policy. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University, an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Utah, and a B.A. from Rice University.

Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Nathaniel Stinnett | Citizens' Climate Lobby | June 2018 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
If political will is the key to enacting effective climate policies, there’s a big obstacle that needs to be overcome: Many environmentalists are not showing up to vote. Joining our June call is Nathaniel Stinnett, founder and executive director of Environmental Voter Project. Their mission is to identify citizens concerned about environmental issues who are staying home on election day and turn them into active voters. Stinnett has held a variety of senior leadership and campaign manager positions on U.S. Senate, congressional, state, and mayoral campaigns. He was named one of America’s 50 environmental visionaries and is a frequent speaker on cutting-edge campaign techniques at top universities and campaign management trainings.

Saturday May 12, 2018
May 2018 Meeting with Julia Roberson, VP of Communications for Ocean Conservancy
Saturday May 12, 2018
Saturday May 12, 2018
One of the more troubling aspects of climate change is its impact on oceans, which are a major source of food and also affect our weather patterns. Joining us for the May call to discuss that impact is Julia Roberson, VP of Communications for Ocean Conservancy. Her passion is communicating about the people and stories behind big environmental issues in a way that leads to action.
Roberson is a skilled writer and media relations professional deeply committed to ocean issues and to finding the intersections between serving nature and people’s needs in our rapidly growing world. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communications, Public Relations, from Appalachian State University.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Amber Sullins | Citizens' Climate Lobby | April 2018 Monthly Speaker
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
With surveys showing a persistent gap between what scientists say about climate change and what the public thinks scientists believe, it’s clear that Americans need more exposure to the views of scientific experts. As Amber Sullins says, the only scientist most people hear from is the person who delivers the weather forecast every evening. That’s why the Phoenix meteorologist talks about climate change during her reports. Sullins, who holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Atmospheric Science from the University of Arizona in Tucson, joins our call to discuss how meteorologists are helping the public to connect the dots between climate change and our changing weather.