
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Hannah Pickard | Citizens' Climate Lobby | March 2020 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Hannah Pickard trains people in proven communications techniques that shift the national conversation about climate change to be more positive, civic-minded and solutions-focused. She is the Network Manager for the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation. NNOCCI currently supports climate communicators in 184 institutions in 38 states. As we go out in our communities to lead presentations, Hannah’s coaching can help us to inspire audiences to take action and be part of the solution.
More Information: NNOCCI: https://climateinterpreter.org/about/projects/NNOCCI
Hannah's Slides & March's Monthly Actions: https://cclusa.org/actionsheet
Citizens' Climate Radio Episode 39 featuring Hannah Pickard: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/citizens-climate-radio-ep-39-envisioning-and-communicating-climate-success/
Coronavirus Forums: https://community.citizensclimate.org/discuss/viewcategory/2762

Saturday Jan 11, 2020
John Wood | Citizens' Climate Lobby | January 2020 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Searching for ways to bridge the partisan divide in America, we hear this month from John Wood, Jr. at Better Angels, a national citizens’ movement “to reduce political polarization in the United States by bringing liberals and conservatives together to understand each other beyond stereotypes.” Wood is a national leader for Better Angels, a former nominee for Congress, former Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, and author of the upcoming book, “Transcending Politics: Perspectives for a Divided Nation.”

Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Andy Hoffman | Citizens' Climate Lobby | November 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Solving climate change — and saving civilization as we know it — will require a major systemic shift in our culture. Andrew Hoffman maintains that we are in a societal moment akin to a new era of enlightenment. He joins us to talk about the system-level changes to our thinking needed in the anthropocene and the role of business in the great rethinking of our economy. Hoffman is the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan. He has published 16 books, including:
Helpful Links:
CCL November Action Sheet: https://cclusa.org/actionsheet
The Next Phase of Business Sustainability

Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Kiera O'Brien | Citizens' Climate Lobby | October 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
There’s been a shift among Republicans in Congress on climate change, due in no small part to polling that shows younger GOP voters are as concerned about climate change as their progressive counterparts. As vice president of Students for Carbon Dividends, Keira O’Brien is working to harness that passion among young conservatives to generate political will for carbon dividends legislation, which places a fee on carbon and gives revenue to households (sound familiar?). Kiera, who is President Emeritus of the Harvard Republican Club, recently testified at a congressional hearing alongside Republican pollster Frank Luntz. Over the summer, she spoke about carbon dividends at the Teen Vogue Summit: “There are many climate-oriented groups rallying around the problem, but Students for Carbon Dividends is rallying around the solution.”
Helpful Links:
IMF's Support For a $75/ton Carbon Tax: https://blogs.imf.org/2019/10/10/fiscal-policies-to-curb-climate-change/
Students For Carbon Dividends: https://www.s4cd.org/
Economists' Statement: https://www.clcouncil.org/economists-statement/
CCL Monthly Action Sheet: http://cclusa.org/actionsheet

Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Dr. Jonathan Haidt | Citizens' Climate Lobby | September 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
How did American politics get to be so dysfunctional? It has a lot to do with psychology, and our guest this month, Jonathan Haidt, will help us wrap our heads around this phenomenon. A Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University Stern School of Business, he is the author of The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion. Haidt’s book explains the origins of the human moral sense and how variations in moral intuitions can help explain the polarization and dysfunction of American politics.
Helpful Links:
Monthly Action Sheet: http://cclusa.org/actionsheet
CCL Youth Outreach: youth@citizensclimate.org
Find out more at https://www.citizensclimatelobby.org

Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Sam Daley Harris | Citizens' Climate Lobby | August 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Just how powerful and influential is grassroots advocacy? Our guest this month, Sam Daley-Harris, will share examples of organized citizen lobbying that had a major impact on national policies and priorities. Sam is the founder and CEO of Civic Courage, a non-profit that coaches organizations to improve the effectiveness of their advocacy work. In 1980, he founded RESULTS, an organization working to end hunger and poverty, which later became the model for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Sam is also the author of Reclaiming Our Democracy: Healing the Break Between People and Government.
Helpful Links:
Civic Courage: https://civiccourage.org/
Monthly Action Sheet: http://cclusa.org/actionsheet
Carbon Pricing Bills in Congress: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/220
Follow Citizens' Climate Lobby on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CitizensClimateLobby
Twitter: https://twitter.com/citizensclimate

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Drew Jones | Citizens' Climate Lobby | July 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Drew Jones, is Co-Founder and Co-Director of Climate Interactive, a think tank that provides modeling for climate policies and tools, giving policy-makers a realistic view of what's needed to contain global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. Drew will share details of Climate Interactive's new climate policy simulator En-ROADS, a fast, powerful tool for understanding how we can achieve our climate goals through changes in energy, land use, consumption, agriculture, and other policies.
Helpful Links:
To sign up for En-ROADS updates and the tool: http://en-roads.org
Monthly Action Sheet: http://cclusa.org/actionsheet
For the video shown at the end, visit: https://youtu.be/bd8SjXTMgco

Saturday May 11, 2019
Carlos Curbelo | Citizens' Climate Lobby | May 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
Before leaving Congress, Carlos Curbelo did more than any Republican to tone down the divisive rhetoric on climate change and start a movement to turn it into a bipartisan issue. Along with Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), he led the formation and growth of the Climate Solutions Caucus, which had 45 Republicans and 45 Democrats at the end of the previous Congress. In January, he joined the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and he also joined the advisory board of the Millennial Action Project, a nonprofit focused on getting younger lawmakers to work across the aisle and to bring civility to the governing process. He joins this month’s call to talk about building the momentum for a bipartisan approach to solving climate change.
Helpful Links:
Monthly Action Sheet: http://cclusa.org/actionsheet
Alex Honnold Expresses Support for HR 763: https://community.citizensclimate.org/bulletin/2101/26
Cincinnati & Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Endorses HR 763: https://energyinnovationact.org/supporters-overview/

Saturday Apr 13, 2019
Rev. Susan Hendershot | Citizens' Climate Lobby | April 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Apr 13, 2019
Saturday Apr 13, 2019
On the issue of climate change, the faith community speaks with a moral authority. One of the leading voices in that community is Interfaith Power & Light, whose mission is "to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy." IPL President Rev. Susan Hendershot joined our April call to share the work they're doing to spread the gospel of stewardship and sustainability.
Helpful Links:
Monthly Action Sheet: http://cclusa.org/actionsheet
Chicago Endorses Carbon Fee and Dividend: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/chicago-volunteers-bring-ccl-values-to-life/
Silicon Valley Group Supports HR 763: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/silicon-valley-gets-in-the-game-for-carbon-pricing-and-h-r-763/
Interfaith Power & Light: https://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org/

Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Anne Kelly | Citizens' Climate Lobby | March 2019 Monthly Speaker
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Enrolling support from the business community is essential to getting effective climate policies enacted by Congress. Anne Kelly, Senior Director of Policy and the Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP) Network at Ceres, joined our March national call to talk about making the business case for acting on climate change. Anne is an environmental lawyer with twenty-five years of combined experience in the private and public sectors.
CCL Monthly Action Sheet: https://cclusa.org/actionsheet
CCL Monthly Donor Program: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/donate/
In-District Meeting Asks: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/237
South Florida Supports HR 763: https://energyinnovationact.org/supporters-overview/